Website owner

The Quiet-Oceans website, accessible at is owned by the Quiet-Oceans company.

The webmaster is Philippe Billand.

Corporate identity

Limited Liability Company [Société par Actions Simplifiée] to the amount of 100,000 Euros registered in the Commercial and Companies Register of Brest, Finistère, France.
Registered office: 525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon – 29280 Plouzané – France
Tel.: +33 982 282 123 – Fax: +33 972 197 671
RCS BREST 524 673 803 – Siret: 524 673 803 00028 – APE: 7112B – Intra-Community VAT FR93 524673803


This site is hosted by OVH.

Intellectual property

Quiet-Oceans is a registered trademark. The trademarks, maps and logos featured in this site are registered trademarks of Quiet-Oceans. Their inclusion does not confer any licence or right to use any such trademarks in any way. Unauthorized use without prior written consent is punishable by law.
In using the website “”, the user agrees to be bound by the provisions of the above-mentioned law and may not extract, transmit, store, or reproduce any part or all of the contents of the databases included within the site.

Image credits

Image credits: Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, SHOM (Stereo instrumentation).

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